Lepidodermella squamata (Dujardin, 1841)
A parthenogenic microinvertebrate that is composed out of only few cells.
Publications with Lepidodermella data:
Fromm B, Tosar JP, Aguilera F, Friedländer MR, Bachmann L, Hejnol A (2019) Evolutionary implications of the microRNA- and piRNA complement of Lepidodermella squamata (Gastrotricha) non-coding RNA 5(1), 19 https://doi.org/10.3390/ncrna5010019
Schnabel R, Bischoff M, Hintze A, Schulz A-K, Hejnol A, Meinhardt H, Hutter H (2006) Global cell sorting in the C. elegans embryo defines a new mechanism for pattern formation. Dev Biol 294, 418-431 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ydbio.2006.03.004